Can ya dig it?

Halloween 2012 feels a little like last call.  Our job as trick-or-treat parents is almost over.  The guys are getting too tall but never too old.  Who doesn’t want 10 lbs of free candy?  We are entering gray territory.  I don’t think any of us are ready to close up the trick-or-treat shop.  When is it enough?

Is age or height the deal-breaker?  I pushed it to 9th grade.  It was risky.  Especially since my friend was probably five feet ten.  “Ahh.  Tall trick-or-treat,” the homeowners exclaimed when a basketball-player-sized cowgirl rang the door.  Soo embarrassing.  When you are young, you do not want to be thought of as uncool.

My oldest spiked up, towering over all of us.  If he goes, I should go too because I’m shorter and so is his dad.  Instead, he will pass out the candy, the job he’s coveted since he was five.   In his eyes, he has arrived.  He’s hoping not too many trick-or-treaters stop by so he can keep the candy without the effort.  Halloween spirit is in the eye of the beholder.

My youngest wishes he were taller.  He would sacrifice the candy; he so wants to grow.  However, he is just short enough to qualify and old enough to be on his own.  The parents are fully retired trick-or-treaters.  It’s a sad day.  Can we still watch you sort by candy-bar type and lollipops?  Can we get a cut of the booty?  Bittersweet chocolate, cuz that’s how I feel.

Mom doesn’t even have to create a new costume.  Usually the guys pick something 3D like a hamburger, dictionary or iphone.  Two years ago it was an OREO for Alex and now he wants to log some more miles on it.

Candy Booty!

I should be glad I’m not running to the craft store and blowing $100 bucks on foam, spray paint and hot glue sticks.  I should be glad I could go to lunch with my friends or go to the gym on Halloween.  My day is free until it’s time to pass out candy.  Halloween, the second craziest time of the year is trickling to a close.  No little guys to manage.

Our neighbors with young kids invited us to a pre-Halloween party.  I told her I’d stop by for a wine-treat, sans kids.  We are gloomy graduates.  She reminded us of the other freedoms we have, like all our kids are in school for six hours, five days a week.  They get to bed on their own.  They can help around the house.  No babysitters required.

Ok.  Enough.  Life is pretty sweet, even without Halloween candy.

Happy Halloween!

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