It happened.  The first week went off without a hitch except for one tiny glitch, my first.  The magic of this blog is the delivery, as in right into your mailbox if you enter your email address in the subscription box above my “pretty” little head (match the big picture on the left to the little picture on the right of this page, then look up just a bit.) Then you gotta confirm via the email you will receive so everyone knows it’s a real request.  It’s a super easy way for us to connect, no hassle.  In geek talk, this automatic mail service is called a feed and it isn’t working at the moment.  I know, I signed up and I ran into someone who signed up and didn’t get her first delivery either.  It pays to know some local subscribers.

The “join this site” option is an automatic delivery feature that benefits us both.  Most importantly, you get the updated posts sent to a specified email address designed for all the blogs or sites you follow or will someday.  And secondly, your photo or icon pop up and show others you are a follower of shoezle.  It’s like an endorsement.  If you are glazing over right now, just do the email subscription and we are all good.

Everything about this blog is free for both of us.  So, what’s a technophobe to do if there is a problem? In the “free” world there are no “people” standing by to help you, not even in India, just buried documentation that takes an hour or two to unearth.  I can enter into a “discussion” but that creeps me out, too many email-hacker memories lingering.   Lucky me, I’ve got a techno-geek wise man living in my house, my husband.  The gist,  it’s a universal problem; shoezle is not the only one missing deliveries.  We wait for Superman to save us and I’m not sure how long as I’m unfamiliar with the time zones in the “free” world or its etiquette.   If it takes too long, maybe I’ll cruise down to Silicon Valley and look for people.  Ask questions.  Probably anyone under the age of 25 with cool clothes, just guessing.  Anybody got connections to FeedBurner?

In the meantime, I aim to please.  I’ll email and facebook to let ya know there is something out there to read.  I’m new to the facebook world but I’m learning this is great way to get info out fast.  So I’m finding new friends faster than a kid with a sack of candy on a playground.

After the first week, I’m also learning a lot of you are having a “first” too.  Most have never followed a blog before or even know someone with a blog.  We’ll be “firsts” together; we’ll close the technology gap simultaneously.  We only missed the first 15 years of blogging and it’s only gotten easier and more friendly, that’s more my style. So as a friend, I’ll tell ya something I’m sure ya know but maybe another “friend” of yours wants to know, wink-wink.  If I write something and put it on my blog, it’s called a “post”.

Another cool thing about blogs, they are interactive.  If you like something and you want the author to know, you can enter a comment below the post.  You can ask questions or make diplomatic suggestions too.  Even if all you do is say “hi”, it’s nice for the blogger to know someone is reading.  All this stuff goes to the blogger’s email box and the blogger can talk back to you.  Elementary I know, but if “your friend” didn’t know, the info is out now and you can be the expert.

So, the techie stuff will hopefully go away and just work so we don’t have to think about it.  I like the writing part and I’ll post something about that in Part 2 of Blog on Blogs.

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