Proper Coffee Shop Talk

Proper Coffee Shop Talk

Coffee shops have become my office. I like to write there because I can really focus most of the time and my soy lattes come with a swirly heart. No laundry is screaming to distract me, nor cookies begging to be eaten. When I leave the house to write, I say to Hubby,...
5 Things I Learned Hosting a Garage Sale

5 Things I Learned Hosting a Garage Sale

  Garage Sales are a lot of work.  I knew that going in but decided freeing up the space in my garage was worth the effort. I was tired of opening up my car door into a box of something I clearly didn’t need as it had been sitting there for four years. At least I...
“Moms ARE the GREATEST!”

“Moms ARE the GREATEST!”

“I DO NOT GET PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS JOB!” I exclaim as I get up from my makeshift office at the dining room table. That’s how powerful I am, no real office, just a portable laptop. Only the size of my “desk” seems ominous except I sit at the corner of the table instead...
Texts vs. Calls

Texts vs. Calls

  I prefer texts versus phone calls. To me it’s just faster, more immediate and responsive. Very few of my friends answer their phones anymore, not at home and rarely a cell. SHE WILL respond to a text, however. She can’t help it. The text lights up the phone,...
The Dreaded College Essay

The Dreaded College Essay

Nobody said how hard senior year would be. I heard junior year would be awful but the awfulness never surfaced, and I thought wow, made it out alive. In senior year, right from the get-go I have had many sleepless nights. The college application process is stressful...